Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take pictures?
Absolutely! We'd also love if you shared them on social media!

When people walk through our door we are often asked "Is this the Glore?" Yes! The Glore is part of the St. Joseph Museums. It can be confusing because the St. Joseph Museums is comprised of many museums and they might not all seem to fit together! However, this allows us to tell a very unique and interesting history of St. Joseph. ​
You may notice our neighbors behind the razor wire when you enter the museum. This is the Western Reception, Diagnostic & Correctional Center, yes it's a prison and it's housed in many of the original buildings of the State Hospital. In 1997, mental health services were moved to the newly built Northwest Missouri Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center across the street from the old hospital while turning over the old grounds to the Missouri Department of Corrections. Retaining much of the historic aspects of the buildings, the Western Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center located in St. Joseph, Missouri, officially opened in September of 1999.
That is Progress Hall. It was built in 1893 and it housed the chapel, barbershop, patient library, and for a time the Psychiatric Museum. It was slated to be torn down by the prison.​
Some people think so while others don’t. Many paranormal investigation groups routinely visit both our location here and the Wyeth-Tootle Mansion. These groups have reported paranormal activity on a regular basis in many locations throughout the museum. Some of these paranormal investigations are open to the public. Check out our group tours page for more information! If you are interested in learning more about their findings on previous investigations you can start by visiting some of their websites.
Is this the Glore?
What's behind the razor wire?
What about that white building, with all the broken windows?
Is the museum haunted?