Archaeology & Native American Galleries

A Cabinet of Curiosities
Start your exploration of the newest museum wing with a Cabinet of Curiosities, This unique exhibit explores the roots of modern museums starting back in the 16th century with curiosity shoppes, private collections and sideshows. The collections were based on the original 4 societal trends: Naturalia, Artificialia, Exotica, and Scientifica. You will want to spend hours exploring the numerous drawers of this room housing everything from weaponry and medical devices to taxidermy and jewel encrusted insects.
Paleontology, Archaeology, World Cultures
As you make your way through the wing you will be taken back in time from dinosaurs to the prehistoric peoples in the St. Joseph area with fully interactive exhibits on Paleontology, Archaeology and World Cultures. Visitors will be able to explore the paleontology of ancient Missouri, examine gemstones, sift through the dirt of a archaeological dig, identify prehistoric beasts, reconstruct ancient pottery, and travel the world from the comfort of your local museum. Featured exhibits include the King Hill Archaeological Dig, World Archaeology, Native American Pottery and more! Come explore ancient St. Joseph today!
Native American Basketry and Beading ​
Explore the culture of basket weaving and design with the extensive Grace Nicholson Basket Collection. Learn the differences of tack, line and loom stitching while enjoying amazing Native Beadwork in the beading room.
The Museum of Us
Do you ever wonder what Archaeologists 200 years from now will think of us? Explore the future of archaeology in The Museum of Us. From technology like movies and phones, to the tech boom of the 1980s, you're sure to find something special in this new section. There's even some PacMan and Super Nintendo in the Arcade room!
Coming Soon
The final room of the brand new wing will be revealed fall 2024. This immersive room will be a replica of an Iowa Tribe Hut including a fire pit and stories from the tribe.